Thursday, August 03, 2006

Is Windows Vista Ready?:

I like the way the Start Menu complains about no email application being set as the default every time I use the Search Box. I also like the way my machines jump to the logon screen every ten minutes despite the fact that I've configured Power Management not to do that. I especially like the way I can't delete certain items from the desktop (randomly, it seems, like a game) unless I either reboot my machine or manually crash Explorer.exe. But my favorite Windows Vista behavior--and believe you me, this was a tough contest--has to be the weird COM object errors I get while cutting and pasting between Paint and Word 2007. (And yes, frankly, this could be an Office 2007 bug. But let's face it, Office 2007 and Vista are "Better Together" as Microsoft likes to point out.)

Let's recap. Paul uses Vista every day as his only OS on each of his desktop and notebook machines. Paul has begun screaming a lot and it's not because he's taken up an anger management form of yoga. (That's what Kabbalah really is, right?) Why is Paul now referring to himself in the third person? I can't remember.