Tuesday, February 27, 2007

MODEL'S BEEF WITH DELI By PATRICK WHITE - Regionalnews - New York Post Online Edition

MODEL'S BEEF WITH DELI By PATRICK WHITE - Regionalnews - New York Post Online Edition:

He had a dust-up with the muscle at Katz's Deli - and says he wound up with a black eye from their knuckle sandwich because of it.

Manhattan model Darren Gough, 35, yesterday told The Post he went to the famed deli on East Houston Street early on Sunday to order a hot dog with onions after drinking with a buddy at the nearby Spring Lounge.

But the chisel-jawed model - whose face has appeared on a billboard in Times Square and in print ads for everything from Verizon to Nabisco - said he decided to leave empty-handed after waiting in line 10 to 15 minutes to order.

That's when deli security stepped in, thinking he might be skipping out on his bill, and demanding to see a payment ticket, Gough said.