Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mike Daisey: 'Monopoly!' - Los Angeles Times -

Mike Daisey: 'Monopoly!' - Los Angeles Times -

IN his 12 years as a monologuist, Mike Daisey has drawn comparisons to the likes of David Sedaris and the late Spalding Gray for his often humorous, often controversial, always thought-provoking solo performances.

But he's attracted some more creative associations as well, such as "a cross between Noam Chomsky and Jack Black," "Jackie Gleason meets Kafka" (his favorite) and . . .

" . . . the love child of Chris Farley and Susan Sontag," says Daisey with a laugh. "You know they're trying to say something nice, but oh, God, it sounds horrible!"

Southern California can make its own comparisons starting Friday, when Daisey presents his one-man show "Monopoly!" at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Touching upon inventor Nikola Tesla, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, the titular board game and his own experiences, Daisey weaves many shades of corporate rule into a vibrant extemporaneous narrative.