Thursday, January 01, 2009

The True Professional Behind Piven, Speed the Plow Debacle | DENNIS BAKER LLC:

The theaterosphere lit up as Mike Daisey critiqued Butz for being unprofessional in performing the role without being fully memorized. An unprepared Butz was pegged as a hero when it seems like he could have waited another week as there was an understudy who was quite proficient.  Daisey's critique was debated by a couple of other bloggers.

An argument that was presented was the producers aided this unprofessionalism for the sake of promoting the show, and the NY Times ate it up.  The producers would rather send a semi-popular actor on stage with a script than a no-name understudy who had his lines memorized and was prepared.  I am impressed Backstage chose to focus the attention on understudy Jordan Lage.  Lage is a 25 year veteran who has seen it all.  As a working actor, his story intrigues me the most.  He spoke honestly about the process to Backstage and took it all in stride.  His perspective is refreshing in light of someone like Piven.  This is  where the true story lies and in fact it would not have been much of a story because Lage is a professional who was ready to do his job when it was called upon.  There is no drama in a man showing up to do the job he is paid for and to do it well.  And unfortunately drama sells tickets.