Thursday, April 15, 2010

Alan Cumming: Why I Moved My Money

Alan Cumming: Why I Moved My Money:

But what I find really interesting and a good indicator that the campaign is working is that a couple of hours after the NY mag piece went online I received an email from Goldman Sachs saying they had read the piece and reminding me of the amount of cash I had made whilst my money was with them, despite the financial crash. This of course just reminds me of why I moved my money in the first place. It was not so much the fact that I lost a lot of money when the financial crash happened. I did, so did a lot of people. And of course, before then and since, I made money with Goldman Sachs. But the reason I moved my money was that I felt it was the only way I could demonstrate to them that I did not approve of them, that I felt they were out of touch and indeed today they just proved that again.

Continuing to give huge bonuses to their employees who had contributed to the system that ultimately lost so much money for their investors and brought us to the brink of financial ruin is not acceptable to me. The fact that the only time they ever communicated with me about the existence of the crash and the loss of my investments was as a response to me telling them I was moving my money is not acceptable to me.