Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our five best bets for fall books | Lit & Lectures: Lit Feature | Chicago Reader

Our five best bets for fall books | Lit & Lectures: Lit Feature | Chicago Reader:

Events continue 11/1-11/11 at various venues around the city. Among the plethora of programs: If you didn't get your fill of American utopia from the Republican and Democratic national conventions, monologuist (and This American Life fabulist) Mike Daisey premieres his latest work, American Utopias (Thu 11/1 and 11/8, Sat 11/3 and 11/10, Sun 11/4, 7:30 PM, Sun 11/11, 3 PM, $28). If you did get your fill (and feel they were full of it), maybe take in a talk about Kafka's Amerika (Sun 11/4, 2:30 PM). Stats guru Nate Silver holds forth on America's two favorite pastimes, baseball and politics (Fri 11/9, 8 PM). And novelist Richard Ford receives the Heartland Prize for fiction for his latest work, titled . . . Canada (Sun 11/11, 6 PM). —Jerome Ludwig 10/14 and 10/21, then 11/1-1/11,, 312-494-9509, $5-$28 per program in advance (a $5 surcharge applies to ticket sales at the door).