Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Washington Post Is a Bitter, Jealous Little Newspaper

The Washington Post Is a Bitter, Jealous Little Newspaper:

The Washington Post, the pre-Politico newsletter of choice for The Political Establishment, has the worst opinion section in America. Today, they once again prove why: the paper, which helped to break the NSA Prism spying story, editorializes that the U.S. government must stop Edward Snowden from leaking any more of that awful news.

Presumably so that Washington Post reporters cannot cover it? The editorial board of the Washington Post—a newspaper with some of the best national security reporters in America, a newspaper approached directly by Edward Snowden— is practically praying for Edward Snowden to be muzzled, so that no more of those news stories might be leaked to papers like, you know, the Washington Post. "How to Keep Edward Snowden From Leaking More NSA Secrets," is the editorial's headline. ("...To Us" is only implied.)

At least we know that the Washington Post's terrible editorial board is fully independent from its shrinking newsroom!