Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Newsday Correction Fail

Linda Winer had some errors in her review, but Newsday wins by fucking up the correction, too:

"Mike Daisey, who is appearing at Joe's Pub, also performed there last spring. The theater column in Sunday's Fanfare incorrectly described this as his first New York appearance since his 2011 show "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs."

As we politely told them—I actually returned to The Public Theater in October 2012…a good seven months before last spring.

"Also, the program's disclaimer that "all stories are fiction" was incorrectly described as an insert."

I love "incorrectly described". What they mean is THERE WAS NO INSERT. BECAUSE WE FABRICATED THAT PART.

This of course makes it sound as though it is in the program somewhere…just not on an insert. But there is no such disclaimer.

Oh, journalism. How could I ever quit you?