Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Just back from a fantastic lunch with Nunally at t...

Just back from a fantastic lunch with Nunally at the Hominy Grill, the fantastic restaurant her husband is the chef of. This will go down as my favorite meal in Charleston, I suspect--my crab was fantastic, and the okra and tomato soup just rocked. even better was the conversation: lots of Spoleto dissection, Wal-Mart encroachment and the complex boundaries between public and private places. I also learned that if you ask for your iced tea half and half you get it half sweetened, which makes it totally drinkable.

Saw Russian Doll and Tiny Ninja Theater's Hamlet last night as part of the more underground Piccolo Spoleto ("Little Spoleto") festival, and that's the end of our showgoing--we saw five shows, which isn't bad considering how little time we have and how much stress we've been under.

Tonight is our final Spoleto performance. Response here has been very strong--audiences have been wonderful, engaged and, at times, emotional. After Sunday's show a woman thanked me for the work and was in tears, which was awkward for me but I hope I didn't seem offputting--I think it's wonderful when folks respond to the stories.

We've also been getting some great press as well:

“You can’t make up these stories . . . sincerely poignant, side-splitting.”
Charleston Post and Courier

“Great storytelling that makes you laugh and think—who could ask for more?...Daisey eschews intense characterization in favor of good old-fashioned, pure storytelling, and it’s refreshing. It makes his tale the focal point, and it makes his stories more honest and human. That’s American, and it ain’t ugly.”
Charleston City Paper

The City Paper also ran a wonderful preview piece about the show, which you can read here, or check out their review itself.