Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (March 09, 2009) - The Big Questions

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (March 09, 2009) - The Big Questions:

1. I want to know with great detail the true status of the following institutions:  B of A, Citi, and AIG.  We’re all adults here.  Let’s hear it.

2. What are the positions of the Republican Party on the following issues:  job creation, the financial system, energy, and health care?

3. Why does Tim Geithner have no staff?  When will he have staff?  What should we think of this glaring shortfall?

4. What do the Obama people have in mind for the auto industry?

5. When will taxes go up on the middle class to help pay for Obama’s long term restructuring of the economy, a.k.a. the “Grand Bargain”?  When will he present this case to the public?