Saturday, September 11, 2010

Call Apple, Inc., and Request the Truth. (TBA On Stage: Mike Daisey) - PICA

Call Apple, Inc., and Request the Truth. (TBA On Stage: Mike Daisey) - PICA:

For about twenty years, I have known that Mike Daisey is a fantastic actor. For about ten years, I've known that he's an absolutely brilliant writer and monologist. He's hilarious, scathing when due, but sensitive as well. I have cried, and cried laughing during his former works, trying not to laugh out loud too long, so as not to miss a word. I knew I would both crack up and be moved by his show tonight about Apple, Inc. and its co-founder, Steve Jobs. I knew all these things. What I did not know is that it would be one of the most empowering and eye-opening pieces of theater I've ever seen.