Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Tech Guys Should Just Keep It Techi | Tommi Stough

Tech Guys Should Just Keep It Techi | Tommi Stough:

Having grown up in the land of bullshit, the one ability it ingrained in me is to think for myself - and I did exactly that the whole time Daisey made headlines with his fascinating and unconventional freakshow. I knew from the get-go Daisey was full of bullshit - in fact, I have to admit that he's much better at it than most, including moi. But that's ok. It's not as though - even for a sec or two - that I thought that he wasn't anything other than a bullshit showman. Isn't that what American't has given the world in the past (insert time frame here) years? And even though his bullshit stinks like all others, at least anything he says or does on a stage in a theater will harm no one yet might just get some to think - with or without a few things thrown in that ain't quite truth. Now get this. Can you imagine a land of bullshitters starting to actually think? Hats off to Daisey for such an achievement. An achievement, in and of itself, that is practically a miracle in the land of be-me, be-like-me or else you lose, sucker! With that in mind. The be-like-me guys on the panal of this show should have never talked about this. Seriously. You should have just ignored it, fellows. This has been out of your league since 1984 became like 1984. Or you should have provided a bit more praise. It would have been that easy - praise the bullshitter. Indeed, there is something to the adage: keep your mouth shut if you don't want people to know how … how you might be lacking in the ability to be objective.