Friday, July 01, 2005

Woke up this morning and one of the Supremes tendered her resignation. Fuck.

On the upside, we're back in NYC, cooling our heels in Carroll Gardens, our old stomping ground. It feels wonderful to be home--the neighborhood is beautiful and hot, just the way it should be in summer, and having just performed Invincible Summer a few nights ago made it even more nostalgic to see it all again.

A few links, as I've been remiss in posting while the weird "floating table problem" afflicted us via Blogger:

• A great post on Panopticist about the wonderful work and legacy of Joe Frank. Joe is in the hospital now--if you don't know his work, read the article, check out the links and get on the train. Ever since Andrew brought him to my attention last year I've been voraciously devouring his work, and he's deeply inspiring to me as a storyteller and monologuist.

• Great Gothamist interview today with Bill Irwin, an inspired physical comedian, clown and actor par excellence. He has wonderful things to say about acting and comedy, including this gem:

How much of your acting technique is embodied through the physical versus mental and emotional?

I think they're completely connected, and even maybe beyond symbiotic they really are the same things. Our emotional lives are our physical lives, and we'd love that not to be the case because we'd love to think we're not quite so transparent, but as human beings walk around we're radiating our strengths and our weaknesses and our insecurities. So when you take on a role that's the delicious – challenging but delicious part of that as a storyteller. You tell the story of this person.

I couldn't agree more--the mind/body dichotomy, especially when performing, a physical act--is often thinner and more transparent than people expect.

• Here's some software I've been using, for Mac OS X--

Latest optimized for G4 processor build of Camino. This is a wonderful browser--when tweaked with CamiOptions it blows even Safari away in terms of speed and compatibility, except for spellcheck--but they say that will drop in any day now.

Latest nightly build of VLC for OS X. Not using VideoLAN Client, known everywhere as VLC? Get it now--it rocks on toast, and plays just about anything under the sun. Except for DVDs and QuickTime content, this is how I watch just about every video I download.