Monday, January 31, 2005
All Stories Are Fiction #18:
Tallying our ledgers, and an accounting of the ways we do it.
Portland Center Stage
Winningstad Theater
The premature triumphalism of some bloggers indicates that they haven't paid attention to how Webified journalists have become. They also ignore media history. New media technologies almost never replace old media technologies, they merely force old technologies to adapt and find new ways to connect with their audiences. Radio killed the "special edition," but newspapers survived.I couldn't agree more. As someone who got burned on hyper-idealism for new technology, I don't intend to get fooled again.
When television dethroned radio as the hearthside infobox and cratered the Hollywood box office, radio became a mobile medium, and Hollywood devoted itself to spectaculars that the tiny TV set couldn't adequately display. The competitive spiral has continued, with cable TV, VCRs and DVDs, satellite TV and radio broadcasters, and now Internet broadcasters entering the fray. The only extinct mass media that I can think of is the movie house newsreel.The danger of fetishizing a new technology (the Porta-Pak) or a new media wrinkle (the blog) is obvious: In the rush to define the new new thing and celebrate its wonders, the human tendency to oversell kicks in. Am I the only one who remembers how John Perry Barlow, drunk on the Web nine years ago, issued his ridiculous "Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace"? In hyperbolic fashion, Barlow wrote, "We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before." Lenin subscribed to this sort of technological moonbeamism when he declared that socialism plus electricity would equal communism, and we know where that led.
Before Janet Jackson's boob flopped out during last year's Super Bowl halftime show, prompting Powell and the FCC to unleash unprecedented indecency fines and call for further investigations -- a move some critics blasted as an assault on the First Amendment -- Powell was on the record dismissing concerns about raunchy programming, famously telling reporters, "I don't think my government is my nanny. I still have never understood why something as simple as turning it off is not part of the answer." Later he told the Washington Post, "It's better to tolerate the abuses on the margins than to invite the government to interfere with the cherished First Amendment." Since the announcement on Jan. 21 about his pending departure from the FCC, Powell has drifted back toward his original set of core beliefs, telling the Washington Times over the weekend that regulating radio and television programming clashed with his firm beliefs in the First Amendment and made him "uncomfortable." But he wasn't too uncomfortable to sign off on $7.7 million worth of indecency fines last year. That represented a $7.69 million increase in fines the FCC levied during Powell's first year on the commission.
A friend of mine met Michael Powell early in his term as FCC chairman, and confided in me that he seemed to be a complete tool...a fact which became self-evident later, but it is breathtaking to see his stupidity laid out like this.Carson also perfected the art of making a joke that bombs even funnier than a joke that works--a mixed legacy, insofar as many modern TV hosts (among them Letterman) are more comfortable than they should be going out with second-rate material. Why was that talent so breathtaking? Because TV seemed a more earnest medium back then, too, and Carson introduced an exhilarating note of self-consciousness. In a late-'70s profile in The New Yorker, Kenneth Tynan noted that Carson could spot the flaw in his own delivery before a joke had even left his mouth. He had the fastest and most exquisite audience-reaction meter of any modern comedian: He knew when a bit had bombed so badly that it could only be salvaged by insulting the audience; when it had just missed and could be goosed into working; and when it had killed and could be ridden triumphantly into shore. (The only current host with the speed and agility of Carson in his prime is Jon Stewart, who goes politically where Carson feared to tread.)He makes some trenchant observations on Original Johnny versus Late-Era (L.A.) Johnny, and I think he's right on the money. Also read this Esquire profile if you're hankering for more.
The post-holiday shopping lull seems a good time to check the corner of Inc.'s Web site where the Seattle online retailer stashes information on the collective buying habits of employees at particular companies and residents of specific cities. Local lists reveal some interesting purchases.I don't normally point these things out about Amazon anymore (see dead horses, beating) but sometimes it's just unavoidable.
And what of Amazon itself? What are workers at the e-commerce giant reading? On the company's own bestseller list, along with lots of Web-development tomes, is former employee Mike Daisey's scathing book "21 Dog Years: Doing Time @" Also: "Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job," by John Mongan and Noah Suojanen. --Puget Sound Business Journal
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