Check out this pleasantly haunting Flash visual poem:
Why Do You Stay Up So Late?
My parents were going to name after my dad, Alexander. But they didn't because a lot of Jr.'s died so the had a little fear. I don't blame them but I sort of like that name but I do not want to die!
Brian. Its meaning is "one with strength and nobility." I don't think I suit my name, for one, I'm weak, not strong. Another reason is that I'm not very noble. Also, It's and Irish anme, and I'm not Irish. I guess my sister, who picked my name, thought it was an English name. My Vietnamese name is Teo (Tao). Even though my name doesn't fit me, I wouldn't change it. All the other names I think of sound unusual and don't fit me. Also, I'm already used to my name, thanks to my brother yelling it at me, especially when I was his slave for a month. My name may not fit me, but it sounds okay. Nevertheliess, I still do not like my name.
I know what you're thinking; you're wondering how I got my name. Well it all started when I wasn't even born and my parents wanted to name me Nick. Sadly, my cousin took it before I was born. So my parents thought and thought and thought. Suddenly it hit them like a big giant brick, maybe I should be named Michael Alexander Zenti. I mean they really like it and it sounds good. So they did decide to name me Michael Alexander Zenti.
I have heard of other people with my name, maybe two or three times, that's why I love it! My name means a lot to me, I might not show that, but it does. My name means "Valorous, brave, watchful." So if I'm afraid to do something, like sail to Mexico, I'll think of my name, "be brave." Not like that would happen.
You can read more of their classmates' essays here.
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